Guide to creating Windows and Linux Virtual Machines on Azure Portal

Guide to creating Windows and Linux Virtual Machines on Azure Portal

This guide details the steps needed to create a virtual machine on azure portal. .


  1. Sign into your azure portal

  2. Click on the Virtual Machines 'Icon' on the landing page of the portal or type 'Virtual Machine' in the search bar and select 'Virtual Machine' from the list displayed

  3. Click on the 'Create' Icon and select 'Azure Virtual Machine'

  1. You will be directed to the 'Basics' page, select a subscription then select an existing resource group (or create a new resource group if you don't have one already).

  1. Provide a name for your Virtual machine then select the region where you want your VM to be stored and select your 'Availability options'

  1. In the 'Image' field, select any of the Windows server as required for a Windows VM or select the Linux/ Ubuntu servers for a Linux VM

  1. Select the VM architecture and the Size of the VM (RAM Size)

  1. The next step will be 'Administrator account' creation and selection of Inbound port.

  2. For a Linux VM (that is if a linux/ ubuntu image was selected), In the 'administrator account' section. You have the choice of either an 'SSH public key' authentication or a 'Password' authentication.

  3. If you select 'SSH public key' authentication, you will need to create a Username (or use the default username (azureuser)), select 'SSH public key source (for new user, use the 'Generate new key pair' option), select 'SSH Key Type' and input a 'Key Pair name' as shown below.

  1. If you select 'Password' authentication, you will need to input a username and password

  1. For a Windows VM creation, you only have the username and password option, no SSH option as shown below

  1. After inputting a Username and Password or SSH key name, you need to define the allowed inbound ports. for a windows VM, select only port 3389 (RDP port). for a Linux VM, Select only port 22 (SSH port) then click on 'Next' to proceed to 'Disks' Tab

  1. In the 'Disks' Tab, you could either use the default OS disk size and OS disk types or select your own

  2. Leave the other Tabs (Networking, Management, etc.) in their default state then click on the 'Review + Create' button as shown below

  1. After clicking on ‘review + create’, azure runs a validation to ensure each parameter is configured correctly and returns a ‘validation passed’ message if all is fine with a preview of the configurations selected

    1. You can proceed to click on the ‘create’ button which will initialize and deploy the VM. the process might take a few minutes. once completed, you would see a ‘deployment successful’ message as shown below. click on ‘Go to resource’ to view the properties of the new VM.

      Note: the ‘VM agent status’ message above is returned because the virtual machine is still being setup in the background. after a few seconds or minutes, the VM should be ready.